
The Seed Is Planted - Bulbmeister Blogs

I’ve been quite curious of late about the popularity of blogs. Why have one? How does it replace a forum posting, or is it really any easier than publishing an article to a web page? Well, I got tired of wondering, so I began to wandering. Fact is, I began my wanderings all the way back in June of 2007, I installed this particular blog software, b2evolution, then got bogged down in the concept of configuration and template tampering, got busy with fall product lists, got lazy after that, and just finished publishing the spring flower bulbs list a couple days ago.

So, here I am, planting the seed. I’ve rooted around in this program enough to get a template made that mostly fits the feel of the rest of my site, and I hope to have a short article posted by the end of the week.

As time goes by, I hope this seed will grow, allowing me to share thoughts and ideas from general gardening observations and practices to rambling on over into the specifics of flower bulb studies and culture.

Another feature I do not understand very well, coming along in popularity with blogs, is the “RSS Feed". I hope, if you find these articles, thoughtful meanderings, and favorite links to be of use, you can also find the RSS Feed to be of service, too.

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A Gardener Grows

This page is intended to reflect on observations made in and around the garden, landscape and nursery here at Bulbmeister.COM.


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