Category: "Announcements [B]"

Lycoris bulbs are perennial and slowly divide (increase). This means you will be buying a flower bulb that gives and keeps on giving! As a matter-of-fact, it is recommended you dig every 7-10 YEARS to divide and spread out the established mass of bulbs. That's not because you subscribed to an annual Lycoris delivery service! No way! No how! That's because you loved and respected the unique qualities of Lycoris, so it rewarded you in return, year after year after year for FREE. more »

FreezePruf™ - A Quick Summary

I ended my winter 2010 evaluation of Lycoris hardiness with the following statement, "This product will probably be applied again next year in the hopes of evaluating under more normal circumstances and with a properly timed second application." The "p… more »
Sometime in the summer of 2009, I was made aware of a new product coming to market, offered under the label, "FreezePruf™", which was touted to be able to protect, by a difference of over 9°F, plants susceptible to winter damage. As an example, by defini… more »
This season has been great for Lycoris breeding evaluation. Bloom was especially good this year with all my spring foliage species and hybrids, I have selected over 60 plants for further evaluations and use as breeding stock. All selections are from esta… more »
I've been quite curious of late about the popularity of blogs. Why have one? How does it replace a forum posting, or is it really any easier than publishing an article to a web page? Well, I got tired of wondering, so I began to wandering. Fact is, I beg… more »
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The hope of this blog section is to supply useful information and insights into choosing the right flower bulbs for your situation, how to grow them, and ideas on how to help nature along, even cheat the natural order, so as to improve flower bulbs for your gardening pleasure.


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