Category: "Announcements [A]"

In 2019, I made some Lycoris crosses and also collected bulk open-pollinated Lycoris seed, then I actually followed through and potted all crosses and some otherwise collected. I had not done this for ten years, but, then, only in the last couple did… more »
What a year it has been! With this past winter we saw record matching lows, reaching down to -15°F!! If that wasn't enough, this spring we saw 13" of rain in a span of 10 days!!! And, if THAT wasn't enough, this summer we experienced a 6 week drought wit… more »

Indian Summer

The year's activities have been intentionally slowed down at Bulbmeister.COM, but, nature, it seems, "decided" to make things go even slower in the months of September and October. The rain seemed never to cease, making it difficult to even mow, much les… more »

What's In A Blog, Anyway?

:oops:Here, I went and set up a blog and did very little to get things going. Now that the season is slowing, I decided to drop by and write a word or two. Just who do I think I am!? This has been a pivotal year for Bulbmeister.COM in that I had to make… more »
I've been quite curious of late about the popularity of blogs. Why have one? How does it replace a forum posting, or is it really any easier than publishing an article to a web page? Well, I got tired of wondering, so I began to wandering. Fact is, I beg… more »
October 2024
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A Gardener Grows

This page is intended to reflect on observations made in and around the garden, landscape and nursery here at Bulbmeister.COM.


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2019 Lycoris Seedling Development - One Year Update

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